ROI Calculator

Below is a quick calculator that shows the savings on product Beet 55 can provide to your budget. Because of Beet 55’s increased residual, this allows for you to save time and money by making almost 75% less passes to keep a road to your standards rather than throwing money away by continuing to apply product and plow time after time. Please keep in mind that this calculator does not factor in external budget factors such as labor hours or equipment depreciation. Although, Beet 55 does help fight the over-spending in those categories, this is just a quick reference.

General Information

Brine/Beet Information

Calculated Information

Normal Application

Maintained Miles:

Total Gallons:

Cost/Event Product 1:

Total Cost for Liquid Product:

Beet Application

Maintained Miles:

Total Gallons:

Cost/Event Beet Product:

Total Cost for Liquid Product:

Total Cost Product 1:

Total Cost Beet Product:

Total Savings:

* Beet Products save on average 75% on the number of passes needed to maintain a road.

* This has been applied when entering your number of passes.

* This pricing does not take into account man hours saved, equipment depreciation or other costs of maintaining roads.